


│ 【IT项目管理基础】(英)IT Project Management Essentials, 2007 — Webber, Larry; Webber, Frederick — 2006 — Aspen Pub.pdf

│ 【VHDL数字设计与计算机设计基础】(英)Fundamentals of Digital and Computer Design with VHDL — Richard Sandige, Michael Sandige — 2011 — McGraw-Hill Education.pdf

│ 【交互式系统设计】(英)David R. Benyon – Designing Interactive Systems_ A Comprehensive Guide to HCI, UX and Interaction Design-Pearson Education Limited (2013).pdf

│ 【搜索方法论-优化与决策支持技术入门教程】(英)Burke, Edmund K(Editor)_Kendall, Graham(Editor) – Search Methodologies Introductory Tutorials in Optimization and Decision Support Techniques-Springer US (2013_2014).pdf

│ 【数字逻辑电路分析与设计】(英)Victor P. Nelson – Digital Logic Circuit Analysis and Design-Prentice Hall (1995).pdf

│ 【永恒的图灵】(英)The Once and Future Turing_ Computing the World – libgen.li.pdf

│ 【永恒的图灵:20位科学家对图灵思想的结构与超越】(中) — [美]S. 巴里·库珀(S. Barry Cooper), 安德鲁·霍奇斯 — 计算机科学丛书, 2018 — 机械工业出版社.pdf

│ 【系统分析与设计基础】(英)Joseph Valacich, Joey George, Jeff Hoffer – Essentials of Systems Analysis and Design-Prentice Hall (2014).pdf

│ 【自动机理论与应用】(英)Automata, Computability and Complexity_ Theory and — Elaine Rich.pdf

│ 【计算智能导论第二版】(英)Computational intelligence_ an introduction — Engelbrecht, Andries P — Volume 2, 2007 — Chichester, England ; Hoboken, NJ_ John Wiley & Sons.pdf

│ 【计算理论基础】(英)Elements of computation theory — Arindama Singh (auth.) — Texts in Computer Science, 2009 — Springer-Verlag London.pdf

│ 【计算群体智能基础 】(中)– (南非)恩格尔伯里特(Andrice P.Engelbrecht) — 2009 — Qing hua ta xue chu ban she.pdf

│ 【过程挖掘 业务过程的发现、合规和改进】(英)978-3-642-19345-3 — afb39d3a3e738ff6229632851614c4d5 — Annas Archive.pdf

│ 【逻辑设计基础】(英) Alan B. Marcovitz – Introduction to Logic Design, 3rd Edition (2009, McGraw-Hill) – libgen.li.pdf

│ 【面向计算科学与工程的Matlab编程】(英)Insight through computing- a MATLAB introduction to — Charles F. Van Loan, K.-Y. Daisy Fan — 2010 — SIAM-Society for Industrial and Applied.pdf


│ 【分布式数据库管理系统实践】(英) Rahimi, Saeed K._ Haug, Frank S. – Distributed Database Management Systems (A Practical Approach) __ (2010, John Wiley _ Sons, Inc.) .pdf

│ 【分布式数据库系统原理第三版】(英)Principles of Distributed Database Systems, Third Edition — M. Tamer ?zsu, Patrick Valduriez (auth.) — 3, 2011 — Springer-Verlag New York.pdf

│ 【分布式系统原理与范型】(英)Distributed Systems_ Principles and Paradigms — Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Maarten van Steen — 2nd, 2007 — Pearson.pdf

│ 【分布式系统原理与范型第二版】(英)Distributed Systems_ Principles and Paradigms — Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Maarten van Steen — 2nd, 2007 — Pearson.pdf


│ 【3D计算机图形学】(英)3D Computer Graphics_ A Mathematical Introduction With — Samuel R. Buss — 2005 — Cambridge University Press.pdf

│ 【图像处理、分析与机器视觉 】(英)Image processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision — Milan Sonka; Václav Hlavác; Roger Boyle — 4th, 2015 — Cengage Learning.pdf

│ 【图像处理基础第二版】(英)Maria Petrou, Costas Petrou – Image Processing. The Fundamentals 2nd-John Wiley _ sons (2010).pdf

│ 【多媒体信息检索与管理】(英)Multimedia information retrieval and management- — Feng, David Dagan; Siu, Wan-Chi; Zhang, HongJiang, 1960- — 2003 — Berlin ; New York- Springer.pdf

│ 【多媒体技术 计算、通信和应用】(英)Multimedia — Ralf Steinmetz — Upper Saddle River, N.J., 1995 — Prentice Hall.pdf

│ 【数字图像处理】(英) Wilhelm Burger, Mark J. Burge – Digital Image Processing_ An Algorithmic Introduction using Java-Springer (2008).djvu

│ 【数字图像处理原理与应用】(英)Principles and Applications — Tinku Acharya, Ajoy K. Ray — 2005 — Wiley-Interscience.pdf

│ 【数字图像处理基础】(英)Fundamental — Wilhelm Burger, Mark J. Burge — Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science, 1, 2011 — Springer.pdf

│ 【计算机图形学】(英)Computer graphics_ using OpenGL — Hill, Francis S — 2001 — Upper Saddle River, N.J._ Prentice Hall.pdf

│ 【计算机图形学与几何造型导论】(英)CRC Computer Graphics, Geometric Modeling, — CRC Press.pdf


│ 【经典密码学与现代密码学】(英)Classical and Contemporary Cryptology — Richard J. Spillman — 2004 — Prentice Hall.pdf


│ 【数值分析与科学计算】(中) — Jeffery Leader — 2008 — 清华大学出版社 Pearson Education.pdf

│ 【数值分析与科学计算】(英)Chapman & Hall.pdf

│ 【离散数学与组合数学第五版】(英)Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics_ An Applied — Ralph P. Grimaldi — 5, 2004 — Pearson.pdf

│ 【计算几何-算法与应用第三版】(英)Computational geometry_ algorithms and applications — Berg, Mark de — 3e edition, 2013 — World Publishing Corporation.pdf

│ 【计算机理论基础第二版】(英)Elements of the theory of computation — Harry R Lewis; Christos H Papadimitriou — 2nd ed, 1998 — Prentice-Hall.djvu


│ 【Web数据挖掘】(英)Web data mining_ Exploring hyperlinks, contents, and usage — Bing Liu (auth.) — Data-centric systems and applications, 2, 2011 — Springer-Verlag.pdf

│ 【数据挖掘十大算法】(英)CRC Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery — CRC.pdf

│ 【数据挖掘教程】(英)Data mining introductory and advanced topics — Margaret H Dunham — Pearson.pdf


│ 【多维与度量数据结构基础】(英)Foundations of multidimensional and metric data structures — Hanan Samet — Morgan Kaufmann series in computer graphics and geometric.pdf

│ 【数据库管理系统】(英)Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke – Database Management Systems, Third Edition (2003).pdf

│ 【数据库管理系统原理与设计第三版】(英)Database Management Systems — Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke — 3, 2018 — McGraw-Hill Education.pdf

│ 【数据库系统基础】(英)Fundamentals of Database Systems — Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe — 7th Edition, 2015 — Pearson.pdf

│ 【数据库系统基础教程】(英) Jeffrey D. Ullman, Jennifer Widom – A First Course in Database Systems (2007, Pearson) – libgen.li.pdf

│ 【数据库系统设计、实现与管理】(英)Carlos Coronel, Steven Morris, Peter Rob – Database Systems_ Design, Implementation, and Management-Course Technology (2012).epub

│ 【数据库设计与开发】(英)Database design and development_ a visual approach — Frost, Raymond, 1960-; Day, John C. (John Charles), 1956-; — Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.pdf

│ 【数据结构与抽象】(英)Frank M. Carrano_ Timothy Henry – Data Structures and Abstractions with Java-Pearson (2018).pdf

│ 【数据结构与算法分析】(英)ADTs, Data Structures, and Problem Solving with C++ — Larry R. Nyhoff — 2, 2004 — Prentice Hall.pdf

│ 【数据结构与算法分析第五版】(英)Data Structures and Abstractions with Java — Frank M. Carrano; Timothy Henry — 5th Edition, 2018 — Pearson.pdf

│ 【数据结构基础第二版】(英)Fundamentals of Data Structures in C 2nd Edition — Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, Dinesh Mehta — 2, 2007 — Universities Press.pdf

│ 【数据结构基础第二版】(英)Fundamentals of Data Structures in C++ — Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, Dinesh P. Mehta — 2007 — Silicon Pr.pdf


│ 【C C++ Java程序设计经典教程】(英)C How to Program. With an Introduction to C++ — Paul Deitel, Harvey Deitel — Global Edition, 2016 — Pearson International .djvu

│ 【C++面向对象程序设计】(英)Object Oriented Programming With C++ — E. Balagurusamy — 5 — Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, McGraw-Hill.pdf

│ 【java程序设计】(英)McGraw-Hill Higher Education.pdf

│ 【Java程序设计一种多媒体方法】(英)Introduction to Computing and Programming with Java A — Barbara Ericson — 2006 — Prentice Hall.chm

│ 【Java程序设计与问题求解】(英) Walter Savitch – Java An Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming (2014, Pearson) – libgen.li.pdf

│ 【Java软件结构与数据结构】(英)Java Software Structures- Designing and Using Data — John E. Lewis Ph. D.; Joseph Chase — Mar 07, 2013 — Pearson.pdf

│ 【Java软件结构与数据结构第四版】(英) Lewis, John_ Sengupta, Piyali_ Chase, Joseph – Java software structures_ designing and using data structures (2013_2014, Pearson Education Limited) – libgen.li.pdf

│ 【Java面向对象程序设计】(英)Introduction to programming using Java- an object-oriented — Arnow, David M; Dexter, Scott; Weiss, Gerald — 2004 — Boston- Pearson_Addison Wesley.pdf

│ 【MPI与OpenMP并行程序设计】(英)Parallel Programming in C with MPI and OpenMP.pdf

│ 【Visual Basic程序设计】(英)An Introduction to Programming Using Visual Basic 2012 — Schneider D.I. — 2013 — Pearson.pdf

│ 【数据结构与面向对象程序设计】(英)Michael Main, Walter Savitch – Data Structures and Other Objects Using C++-Pearson (2010).pdf

│ 【标准C程序设计】(英)Programming in ANSI C — E. Balagurusamy — 6th, 2021 — McGraw Hill Education (India) .pdf

│ 【标准C程序设计第六版】(英)Programming in ANSI C — E. Balagurusamy — 6th, 2021 — McGraw Hill Education (India) .pdf

│ 【汇编语言基础教程】(英)A Concise Introduction Second — James T. Streib — 2nd ed., 2020 — Springer.pdf

│ 【程序设计基础】(英)Stewart Venit and Elizabeth Drake – Prelude to Programming Concepts and Design-Pearson (2015).pdf

│ 【程序设计语言概念】(英)Concepts in Programming Languages — John C. Mitchell — 2007 — Cambridge.pdf

│ 【程序设计语言概念】(英)Concepts of Programming Languages (12th) — Robert W. Sebesta — 12, 2019 — Pearson.pdf

│ 【软件体系结构】(英)Software architecture_ perspectives on an emerging — Shaw, Mary, 1943-; Garlan, David — 2000 — New Delhi_ Prentice-hall of India.pdf

│ 【软件工程卷1 抽象与建模】(英)Dines Bj?rner – Software Engineering 1_ Abstraction and Modelling (2006, Springer) – libgen.li.djvu

│ 【软件工程卷2 系统与语言规约】(英)Specification of Systems and — Dines Bj?rner — Texts in Theoretical Computer Science. An EATCS Series, 2006 — Springer.djvu

│ 【软件工程卷3领域、需求与软件设计】(英)Dines Bj?rner – Software Engineering 3_ Domains, Requirements, and Software Design-Springer (2006).djvu

│ 【问题求解与程序设计】(英)Frank L. Friedman_ Elliot B. Koffman – Problem Solving, Abstraction, and Design Using C++-Pearson College Division (2010).pdf

│ 【面向对象系统分析与设计】(英)Object-oriented systems analysis and design — George, Joey F — 2007 — Upper Saddle River, N.J.- Pearson Prentice Hall.pdf

│ 【面向对象设计UML实践第二版】(英)Practical Object-Oriented Design with UML — Priestley, Mark — 2nd, 2000 — McGraw-Hill Publishing Co..azw3

│ 【面向对象软件工程 使用UML模式与Java】(英)Object-Oriented Software Engineering Using UML, Patterns, — Bernd Bruegge — 2014 — Dorling Kindersley Pvt. Ltd.pdf

│ 【面向工程与科学的C++程序设计】(英)Programming in C++ for Engineering and Science — Larry Nyhoff — 2018 — CRC Press.pdf


│ 【人工智能-一种现代的方法第四版】(英)Artificial Intelligence_ A Modern Approach (4th Edition) — Stuart Russell, Peter Norvig — Artificial Intelligence_ A Modern Approach, 4th, 2020.pdf

│ 【算法与并行计算】(英)[Wiley Series on Parallel and Distributed Computing ] Fayez Gebali_ Wiley InterScience (Online service) – Algorithms and Parallel Computing (2011, John Wiley & Sons) .pdf

│ 【算法设计】(英)Algorithm Desig — Kleinberg, Jon — United States ed, 2005 — Tsinghua University Press.epub

│ 【规划算法】(英)Planning Algorithms — LaValle Steven M., Steven M. LaValle, LaValle, Steven M — 2006 — Cambridge University Press.pdf

│ 【计算机算法】(英)Pseudocode Version — Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, S. Rajasekaran — 2nd Revised edition, 1996 — W.H.Freeman & Co Ltd.pdf


│ 【TCP IP协议原理与应用】(英)Guide to TCP_IP 4th Edition (2013) — Chappell, Laura A.; Tittel, Ed; Carrell, Jeffrey L.; Pyles, — 4th, 2013 — CENGAGE Learning.pdf

│ 【TCP-IP协议族】(英)TCP IP Protocol Suite, 4th Edition — Behrouz Forouzan — McGraw-Hill Forouzan Networking Series, 4th, 2010 — McGraw-Hill.pdf

│ 【局域网与互联网原理及应用】(英)From Protocols to — Laurent Toutain, Ana Minaburo — ISTE, 1, 2011 — Wiley-ISTE.pdf

│ 【数字通信技术】(英)Digital Communication Communication, Multimedia, Security — Meinel, Christoph;Sack, Harald — X.media.publishing, 1st ed., 2016 — Springer.pdf

│ 【数据通信】(英)Infrastructure, Networking — William Stallings, Thomas Case — 7, 2012 — Pearson.pdf

│ 【无线移动网络安全】(英)Wireless Mobile Internet Security, Second Edition — Man Young Rhee(auth.) — 2013-05-06, 2 — Wiley & Sons, Limited, John.pdf

│ 【无线通信与网络】(英)Wireless communications and networks — Stallings, William — Pearson custom library, Second edition, Pearson new — Pearson.pdf

│ 【无线通信原理与应用】(英)Guide to Wireless Communications — Olenewa — Paperback, 2016 — Course Technology.pdf

│ 【计算机网络数学基础】(英) Srinivasan Keshav – Mathematical foundations of computer networking (2012, Addison-Wesley) .pdf

│ 【计算机网络第五版】(中) — Andrew Tanenbaum & David Wetheral — 2012 — Pearson.pdf

│ 【计算机网络第五版】(英)Computer networks — Andrew S. Tanenbaum & David J. Wetherall — 5th, intern., 2014 — Pearson Education.pdf

│ 【计算机网络第四版】(中) — Andrew S. Tanenbaum — 世界著名计算机教材精选, 第4版, 2004 — 清华大学出版社.pdf

│ 【计算机网络第四版】(英)Computer networks — Andrew S. Tanenbaum & David J. Wetherall — 5th, intern., 2014 — Pearson Education.pdf

│ 【语义WEB技术基础】(英)CRC textbooks in computing, 2010.pdf

│ 【通信网基本概念与主体结构】(英)[McGraw-Hill Series in Computer Science] Alberto Leon Garcia and Indra Widjaja – Communication Networks_ Fundamental Concepts and Key Architectures (2003, McGraw-Hill) – libgen.li.pdf


│ 【密码学与网络安全】(英) Atul Kahate – Cryptography And Network Security (2007, Tata Mcgraw Hill) – libgen.li.pdf

│ 【网络安全 加密原理、算法与协议】(英)Internet security_ cryptographic principles, algorithms, and — Rhee, Man Young — 2003 — Chichester, West Sussex, England ; Hoboken, NJ_ J. Wiley.pdf

│ 【网络安全】(英)J. Wiley.pdf

│ 【网络安全基础第五版】(英)Network security essentials_ applications and standards — Stallings, William — Global edition.,Sixth edition, 2016;2017 — Pearson.pdf

│ 【计算机安全导论】(英)(Aways learning) Goodrich, Michael T_Tamassia, Roberto – Introduction to computer security-Pearson Education Limited (2014).pdf


Computer Systems A Programmer’s Perspective by Randal E. Bryant, David R. O’Hallaron. Manasa S., Mohit Tahiliani (eds.) (2016 3e).pdf

【安藤体系结构】(英)Understanding 64-Bit — James S. Evans, Gregory L. Trimper — 2003 — Prentice Hall.chm

【操作系统原理、设计与应用】(英)Principles of operating systems- design & applications — Stuart, Brian L — 2008 — [Boston, Mass.]- Course Technology.pdf

【操作系统原理】(英)Operating systems principles — Bic, Lubomir, 1951- — 2003 — Upper Saddle, N.J._ Prentice Hall.pdf

【算法基础】(英)Fundamentals of Algorithmics — Gilles Brassard, Paul Bratley — 1, 1995 — Prentice Hall.pdf

【编译器构造】(英)Compiler Construction Using Java, JavaCC, and Yacc — Anthony J. Dos Reis — 1, 2011 — Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Pr.djvu

【编译器构造】(英)Crafting A Compiler — Charles N. Fischer, Ron K. Cytron, Richard J. LeBlanc — 1, 2009 — Addison Wesley.pdf

【编译器设计基础】(英) Alexander Meduna – Elements of Compiler Design (2007, CRC Press) – libgen.li.pdf

【计算机体系结构】(英)John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson – Computer architecture, A Quantitative Approach (solution for 5th edition) (2012).pdf

【计算机导论第六版】(英)Introduction to Computers (Special Indian Edition) — Peter Norton, Mr. — Introduction_To_Computers, 1, 6TH, 2004 — McGraw-Hill Education.pdf

【计算机系统设计原理】(英)Principles of Computer System Design_ An Introduction — Jerome H. Saltzer, M. Frans Kaashoek — 2009 — Morgan Kaufmann.pdf

【计算机组成和设计】(中)Software — David A. Patterson & John L. Hennessy — 2013 — Elsevier Inc..epub

【计算机组成和设计】(英)Computer Organization and Design_ The Hardware Software — David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy — The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Architecture.pdf

【计算机组织与体系结构性能设计第八版】(英)Computer Organization and Architecture_ Designing for — William Stallings.pdf

【计算机组织与体系结构第八版】(英)Computer Organization and Architecture_ Designing for — William Stallings.pdf

深入理解计算机系统 by Randal E. Bryant, David R. O’Hallaron (z-lib.org).pdf

深入理解计算机系统(原书第3版) 文字版可编辑 by Randal E.Bryant David OHallaron (z-lib.org).pdf